Tuesday, October 23, 2007

HW 23: "What Woolf May Say to Salon"

With Apologies to Virginia Woolf

Last night while educating myself with the happenings of the world, I stumbled upon most disturbing article named Roundup: Pole dancing for preteens at http://www.salon.com/mwt/broadsheet/index.html. I could not believe my eyes. We as woman must fight for are pride and dignity and here we have children as young as seven years disrespecting their bodies. FOR IT IS A PERENNIAL PUZZLE WHY (Woolf, 41) the mothers of these daughters are allowing this disrespect to our SEX. One mother PREACHE, "its not slutty or anything. I've seen pole dancing on TV and they don't do anything like that here. It's building up her strength ... She's much stronger, healthier and more confident." How could one EARNESTLY have such feelings? The world today views pole dancing as a sexual act and now our daughters are par taking in this act. I am disturbed. I also stumbled upon the article at Salon Sex under Durex. The title I thought was speaking about our gender, but as I read the article I found the article spoke about sexual acts. The author, whom is a woman I might add, is openly talking about unprotected and protected sex. This is strange. I am not used to reading woman’s work and let alone sex. This is just quite awkward. I am entused to read a woman’s work, but I think she should write about something more conservative.

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