Thursday, October 4, 2007

HW 17: My Favorite Post on Solon: Broadsheet

On Solon: Broadsheet blog at, Lynn Harris published a post named Planned Parenthood will see you now. In this post Harris announces that a new planned parenthood opens in Aurora, Illinois. This opening was originally delayed by a specious protest. These protester tried everything in their power to shut down planned parenthood, mainly because they perform abortions. Protester said that planned parenthood committed fraud by identified themselves as "Gemini Development, LLC.” Later in court, planned parenthood was found that they were not breaking any state laws or city ordinances. In Harris post it is said that most of the women that come into the clinic come in for health care services, contraceptives or STD tests. She says that the woman who come for abortions, usually don’t receive another because they are educated at the clinic about safe sex. These Protesters have a right to protest about how they feel about abortions, but they should remember to do it in a respectful manner. Luckily at this opening the protesters were peaceful. In Lynne Harris words, “Women exercise their right to receive legal health services; protesters exercise their right to protest. In that sense, everybody wins.”
What I found most entertaining about this post was a response by Jebldmm. Jebldmm left the comment, “Protesting at Planned Parenthood to prevent abortions... like protesting at a cancer treatment center to prevent lung cancer.” I just thought it was a witty remark.

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